SEO is important for your website……

Here is why, and how that relates to your SRDS Listing

You know that improved Search Engine Optimization will help your website rank higher on the search engines when someone is looking for something you offer. Everyone correctly wants to be on the first page of Google listings as an example. Being on later pages most of the time means people will never find you. Doing things to improve SEO creates “lift” in your position on search engines.

Well, that same concept works as well inside the SRDS database. When an agency is researching a market for an ad buy, they will often not go much deeper than the first few listings. You will be happy to know that as a member of PaperChain you get “lifted” in the listing to the top of those that did not purchase that position. That is a big advantage for your paper.

Both CVC and PaperChain invest in SRDS database promotions including this “Lift” for MFCP members.  This is a significant investment for CVC and PaperChain that would cost individual publishers $400 to $800 each month if purchased alone.

We occasionally hear of ad buys as a result of positioning in the SRDS database. Here are a couple of recent examples:

Fillmore County Journal, in Preston, MN received a big grand opening ad program from the nation’s largest beauty supply retailer because of their SRDS listing.  The Fillmore County Journal is listed fourth in the Rochester, MN DMA because of their elevated listing.  Without the PaperChain upgraded listing the buy probably would have gone to a daily newspaper listed above them.  The Fillmore County Journal would have been the tenth paper listed without the PaperChain upgrade.

Big Green Umbrella Media, Inc. in Des Moines, IA publishes 26 publications and received a significant double truck retail display ad series from a national retailer.  Their publications are listed third in the Des Moines DMA because of their elevated listing.  They would have been listed significantly lower in the list of 66 publications the media buyer had to choose from.

Please be aware and reminded that keeping your listing in SRDS up to date can make a big difference in  terms of your receiving insertion orders from ad agencies searching for media in your area. You can see your SRDS information and make updates by emailing June Levy at