What will you be doing on November 29, 2014, the Saturday after Thanksgiving?
Participating in Small Business Saturday of course! Heading into its fifth year, Small Business Saturday, which falls between Black Friday and Cyber Monday, is a day dedicated to local, independently-owned small businesses that create jobs, boost the economy and preserve neighborhoods across the country.
There are many organizations, national and local, that have done a great job organizing and getting the word out about the outsized contributions that small businesses make to our communities. One of those is the Small Business Saturday Coalition which PaperChain and several of our industry's associations have joined to help spread the word about Small Business Saturday. Visit http://smallbusinesssaturday.
Almost universally, Americans say they support and value small businesses in their communities. How could you not? They provide products and services you can’t get elsewhere, customer service is generally more personal, and they contribute enormously to the fabric of our neighborhoods and cities.
As hometown publishers, we know the the value and unrivaled service of our merchants on Main Street. We're dedicated to promoting their success all year long! Last year, millions of Americans, shopped at independently-owned small businesses on Small Business Saturday. This year, we invite you to help make the day even bigger for small business. Here are ways your publication and your local businesses can get involved and help support Small Business Saturday: https://www.americanexpress.
Shop Small on November 29, 2014:
By shopping small, you are showing your support for small businesses and creating goodwill within the communities where you work and live. Make a day of it by shopping with friends and dining out at your favorite small restaurants.
Community papers and independent business owners should make the day your own:
Small businesses are known for having outstanding customer service and offering unique products. Think about having special pages and promotions and lead neighboring small businesses to join forces to create a block party or holiday event. Don’t forget to leverage Small Business Saturday marketing tools found here: https://www.americanexpress.
And check the interactive map here http://shopsmallnow.
Spread the word:
Sign up for email updates at www.shopsmall.com and make sure to ‘Like’ the Facebook page (www.facebook.com/shopsmall). Tell your family, friends and loyal customers about Small Business Saturday on your social networks. And of course, publish special sections for the big day.
PaperChain and our industry is excited to be part of the Small Business Saturday Coalition. We encourage all of you to shop small on November 29, 2014 and help spread the word. Let’s make Small Business Saturday, the biggest shopping day of them all - we’ll see you on Main Street!
Visit http://smallbusinesssaturday.