July is Free Community Paper Month

By: Ed Coats, event chairperson
All too often these days we hear “print is dead.” In reality, however, print is far from perishing. Nowhere is this more evident than in the free community paper industry.

In our busy everyday world, we sometimes forget to boast about how important and relevant our community papers are. They are significant not only in aiding advertisers to share their message with potential customers but also in delivering local community news of interest to readers in homes across the country.

Paper Chain is the common link between all free community papers across the country. For that reason, we feel it is the responsibility of Paper Chain to be the leader in expanding awareness of the free community paper industry and letting people know print is not dead but very much alive and well.

This July we again celebrate Free Community Paper Month. During this time, we ask that all the state, regional and local free community paper organizations get together and celebrate. 

To do this, Paper Chain will be providing materials to help you promote this event.
Here is the agenda for the 2015 celebration roll out:
1. Shown below is the Free Community Paper Month Logo. Please use this logo often on your masthead, folios, promotional ads, articles and as fillers throughout your paper leading up to and during the month of July. For original artwork and PDF’s visit http://paperchain.org/
2. Also shown is a sample ad from the 2014 Free Community Paper Month celebration.  They will also be available on the website noted above on or about the first of June and will also be distributed by your state, regional and national associations.
3. Publishers are asked to not alter the logo, but to use it often.  We encourage you to localize the ad and draw your reader’s attention to the important role your paper and staff play in this industry and how this industry stimulates the local and national economy.
4. We are all so very busy these days but we also encourage you to brainstorm with your staff and find ways to use the month of July to highlight your organization’s accomplishments and the many ways your publications help drive and support the local economy.
5. The 2015 celebration is a national event but you can provide the local flavor. Ask your town fathers, city council and county government to consider taking action on a local proclamation formally recognizing Free Community Paper Month. Suggested proclamations can also be found athttp://paperchain.org/freepapermonth.html.

Your paper has made a great investment in your community and this industry. Only you and your staff can help us bring that story to your readers in this consolidated industry-wide effort. Please consider active participation in the July 2015 Free Community Paper Month. Visit us on Facebook and let us know your plans for Free Community Paper Month.  Thank you in advance for all you do to enhance the industry with every issue you publish and your support with this project.