Free Community Paper Month a great success

Switching “Free Community Paper Month” to the month of July for the first time this year and replacing “Free Paper Week,” which had been held during the Month of March, has generated a great deal of new excitement.

The committee held a contest during the month of July for readers and member papers. Throughout the nation our community papers and readers were able to learn about the vibrancy of our industry and had a chance to win a $500 gift certificate to a local merchant from their immediate area.

In addition to the contest for readers, the member papers were asked to publish a Free Community Paper Month advertisement during the month of July and submit a tearsheet to the committee for their chance to win up to $2,000 in advertising reimbursement. This encouraged our members to roll the dice and really make a splash with the Free Community Paper Month promotion. Many publishers really thought outside the box and were very creative with their promotional activity.

As a result, the 2013 contest brought in 1,702 reader entries to the web site, and 64 PaperChain members submitted tearsheets for entry into the contest. Clearly every Free Community Paper who participated was a winner.

By chance — and this was a computer generated random pick — both winners were from the great state of Wisconsin. Laura Shepard avid reader of the Advertiser Community News in Seymour, Wisconsin who reads about everything happening in our small town community was the winner of $500 from PaperChain.

Also a winner of $500 was Laura’s favorite Free Community Paper the Advertiser Community News, in Seymour.

Our member winner who won the full $2,000 reimbursement for running ads valued at more than this amount was, The Great Dane Shopping News from Verona, Wisconsin. Woodward Community Media Group Publisher Steve Fisher states, “We are very happy to receive this prize! The marketing and promotional support provided by PaperChain is key to helping each individual member keep the value of our products top of mind to our readers, advertisers and employees. Kudos to PaperChain.”

Committee members would like to thank everyone who participated and ask that you look for an even bigger and better Free Community Paper Month in July 2014. We encourage you to lend your support and ideas to our committee. We hear a lot these days about how great other mediums are and we also hear about the mediums that are not doing so well. If we don’t tell our story with enthusiasm, no one will. So spread the word, lift your voices and let’s make sure to pave the way for future successes.