Announcing the 2012 Keep America Beautiful Recycle-Bowl K-12:

Calling all competitors!
Do you have what it takes to be a recycling champion?

Compete against other schools in your state and nationwide to see who recycles the most. There are great prizes for top performers!

The 2012 Keep America Beautiful Recycle-Bowl K-12 school competition registration database is now open. The competition will be held October 15 to November 9, 2012, with registration closing on Tuesday, October 9, 2012. The first 1000 schools to register will receive a Recycle-Bowl coordinator toolkit. The toolkit will include Recycle-Bowl competition posters, lesson plans, a paper making DVD, plastic bottle flake "test tubes", a library book, etc.

For complete details on criteria, prizes and more, register to participate in a September 18 webinar on the topic from 4:30 - 5:30 PM EDT at:
More information about the competition can be found at:

Just a reminder, this competition is separate from the previously posted AF&PA Recycling Awards, which will launch in December and focus on paper recovery from schools, businesses and communities.  For details of previous AF&PA Recycling Award winners and their programs, visit