"I just want to say thank you for all you did last week to make our conference a great experience for all of our members!
"As always, you came through in a big way. Thanks so much for your time and dedication! You guys Rock!"
It was a terrific conference. The gang at the Association of Free Community Papers (AFCP) was great to work with. Together the two associations put on an extraordinary show and those who attended went home armed with new knowledge as well as memories of a great time.
There is an old saying that a picture is worth a thousand words. In this issue of the CPF newsletter you will find numerous conference photos worth a million words.
Congratulations to the recipient of the annual CPF Terry Hisken Telemarketing Excellence Award. Jennifer Ingram was surprised to receive an award that she help initiate. It was well deserved and we do appreciate all the work she has done for this association.
We also congratulate Stephen Clark. The son of CPF staff member Tiffany Clark was the recipient of the annual CPF Scholarship. He will receive $1,000 a year for up to five years to help him with his college expenses.
The Florida association members are used to the great Kentucky Derby wrap-up of our annual conferences. For many of the first-time attendees from AFCP, it was a conclusion to a conference that they will long remember. What an event and what a race!
We were overwhelmed by the ladies' participation in the Kentucky Derby hat contest. The contestants showed up in large numbers and the designs rivaled those that were shown at the Kentucky Derby on television. Congratulations are in order for Pam Slaven of Tower Publications in Gainesville. The judges voted her hat the "Loveliest" and she took the top prize of $300.
The weather was perfect for Friday night's Beach Party. The band, "Changes in Latitude" was outstanding. We also helped Mexico celebrate Cinco de Mayo on Thursday night, and the participation of those who attended was gratifying.
Dan Clark and Diana Ciotta fired us up during their keynote sessions. And once again, The Leadership Institute (TLI) provided the learning sessions that have become a tradition in the free paper industry.
Kevin Slimp provided over a half dozen outstanding graphic sessions for both publishers and graphic artists. The Saturation Mailers Coalition's Donna Hanbery updated publishers on postal news, while Tim Brennan and Nancy Chodak offered instruction in Co-op issues. Peter Lamb's "Red Finger / Green Finger" session was a hit, as were the Digital and Niche Panel sessions.
For those members that attended, thank you. For those that missed this year's conference, we hope to see you next year.
The costs of this conference were borne by both associations' classified networks. CPF dug into its rainy day fund to pay the tab.
With classified network funds declining, you can help by selling network ads. Updated information is available in the CPF office and in the members-only section of the CPF Web site. It's equally important that you run the ads each week. Results for the advertisers are the key to the future of this association.