This special competition was put together to develop ads promoting the free paper industry and was open to all PaperChain affiliated free community papers. The winning ads are now a resource for our publications to use -- as house ads, or sales flyers or however you choose to promote the VALUE OF FREE PAPERS. We encourage you to download and begin using these award-winning resources today:
Because of the abundance of highly creative ad designs -- nearly 200 in all -- the judges had a difficult time narrowing this category down to the final five. The winning designers in alphabetical order are:
Catrina Cacace
Yorktown Heights, NY
Headline - "Everyone"
The Judges Say: "Eye catching graphic plays well with the font selection and the message. Simple presentation creates impact."
Colleen Kennedy
Warsaw Penny Saver
Warsaw, NY
Headline - "In Print We Trust"
The Judges Say: "Patriotic look plays well with the message. Font selections create a bond with graphic to build emotion in the reader."
Tracy Sake
Csi Media, LLC
Delavan, WI
Headline - "Free Papers - In Your Home Every Week"
The Judges Say: "Straight forward and right to the point makes this an impactful ad design. Very clean lines and attractive photo."
Sara Hart Sanders
Oyster Pointer
Newport News, VA
Headline - "If You're Looking At This Space, So Are your Clients"
The Judges Say: "Entertaining graphic is effective in grabbing your attention but the copy delivers a knockout punch for the overall message."
Cindy Seaver
Community Shopper’s Guide
Otsego, MI
Headline - "Because Sometimes The World Is...Right Where You Live"
The Judges Say: "Map graphic is attention getting but also relates well with the local content message."